A copy of the very first picture I ever drew of the Condor. The original was poster size and graced my bedroom wall for many, many years. Sadly, it has long since gone the way of the dodo.
This was a companion piece of sorts to the picture above--a recreation of my first picture of the Savage Redhead.
A standard G-2 glare.
Miya doing what she loves best--kicking Galactors in the face.
That damned activator goes off at the worst times...
Ken has a hard time getting started in the morning on Mondays. ^.^
He's definitely a hot flash, though, isn't he?
Ken in a black leather jacket.
A glimpse into the future of Mr. and Mrs. Washio, and their firstborn son, Kenji.
So, Eagle Scout, does the Swan still have her tonsils? XD
I don't think Jun really cares what Ken's talking about, do you? So long as he keeps talking...
Just a sweet little moment when nobody else is looking.
When you wish upon a star...Ken and Jun their first night at the Cygnus Lodge.
The morning after the wedding night. Who knew Gatchaman was a snuggler?
Yes, Joe and Jun love each other, but they're siblings, not lovers. Get over it.
Swan noir. ^.^
Jun giving someone The Look. ("Are you REALLY sure you want to be doing that...?")
Must have been a long mission...
Psst! Jun's giving Ken a sappy look again! Quick, Jinpei, get the camera!
Okay, either the Condor's about to get lucky, or somebody's about to die.
The profile we all know and love...
You know, the redhead's really gone on that Sicilian.
Okay, Joe has bad memories about beaches and Miya hates them on principle. What they're doing here I have no clue.
One of those all-too-fleeting tender moments.
Yes, Miya DOES still have that scar.
Joe looks a little worse for wear in this pic...it must be pretty late in the first series.
Katze unmasked and a little bit crazed.
Onna Katze looking pensive.
Okay, now Joe's starting to look REALLY rough here.
Miya doesn't cry very often...
Joe's farewell to his redhead. This is right before he punches her lights out.
Wunan calls Miya a "female redhaired version of Ken". She does bear a striking resemblance to her brother here, doesn't she?
Brother and sister (is it just me, or is Miya having a REALLY bad hair day here?).
Ken and Miya at their mother's grave.
Basically this is just a concept picture--I just can't see Miya in those heels.
Miya with short hair.
Showing off her scar--it's proof she's a survivor.
Miya at the racetrack (think Joe's admiring the view?).
A rare glimpse of OAV Miyae with OAV Joe up against the wall. He doesn't look worried to me.
I ripped the pose from an advert for Gravity cologne.
From an Ecstasy advert.
A "sequel" to the famous Joe-with-a-beer-can pinup pic by Ippei Kuri.
This is how a lot of people picture these two...^^
This is an older version of one of the vital scenes from "Little Earthquakes", just before the story was written.
This was inspired by a Tori Amos lyric from "Take to the Sky".
If you want to download these images for personal use, that's perfectly okay with me. If you want
to post any of these images on your own site, that's absolutely cool too, provided you let me know it's
there and give credit where credit is due. Under NO circumstances should you claim these images as
your own (though if you want to do art based on the poses, it's not like I can stop you--just make sure
you're not just "modifying" my art, but doing a completely new work, hm?).