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Site Awards
I'm a terrible showoff. Ask anybody. Still, I don't go begging for awards. These people weren't asked to give me stuff, they did it on their own, and I'm really happy they did. I know, I know, it took me long enough to post the award I got from Rini. It's just that I don't believe in posting awards on one's front page, and there's nothing sadder than an awards page with only ONE award on it...At least now I have more. ^_____^

My first award, a custom-made award from Rini! Yay!

I won Silent Angel's KiSS Award! Whee!

I got this award for my original cartoon dolls! Hooray for me!

I am so proud! An award from Double A Dollies! Thanks, ladies!

Ooh, I'm an honorary Valkyrie! Thanks, Yagiza!

According to Bronwyn of Dolls in the Mist, I'm a Superior Site. Me so proud!

Woo hoo--Denise thinks my site kicks butt!
Contest Awards
I love entering contests. I don't always win, but it's still loads of fun. Do I like to win? Sure. Do I expect it? Don't be silly. So it's thrilling when I actually do walk away with a prize. Like these.

I got this just for entering Raspberi's Childhood Memories contest. ^.^

My first First Place award, from Valley of the Dollz!

I even won the Choice Award. Woo hoo! (I swear, I did not know that Fantasia liked Mulan as much as I do until after I'd submitted it...!)
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