X-CLAVE: DISCOVERY PART THREE --(c) 1997 M. O'Quinn Westchester County, New York Friday, the 12th, 6:37 a.m. *Bwam*! A solid strike, followed by the howling of an alarm claxon. The din jolted Mirror awake. It seemed to shake the whole house. She sat up in bed and saw that Wolverine was already heading for the window, his uniform tights and boots already on. "Logan...?" He ignored her. Now she could hear sounds coming from below, the snarling and growling of a mad, wild animal. At the window, Wolverine looked down--and froze. The hair on his back actually rose up on end. At the same instant, Mirror felt a wave of pure red rage surge up and engulf her lover. She swayed under the impact, steadied herself, then struggled off the bed. "Logan--!" Wolverine's forearms tensed, fists clenching, and his nine-inch claws shot out from the backs of his hands. He made a sound that was half growl, half roar, and leapt through the window. The sound of shattering glass jangled Mirror's nerves. With the window broken open the sounds from below grew louder, and a heartbeat later Wolverine's snarls joined in a counter-rhythm to the bestial chorus. Mirror all but jumped into her stirrup pants and boots, fastening her silver tube-top around her as she ran to the window. The front door of the mansion was warped and battered, its wooden facing shredded away to reveal the titanium steel reinforcement underneath. Wolverine was running hard in that direction, tearing across the snow, leaving a trail of searing fury and all-consuming hatred in his wake. His short stature only served to accent the nigh-impossible hugeness of the man towards whom he charged so relentlessly. The white-blond stranger would have been seven feet tall, possibly more, if he stood up straight. At the moment, however, he was crouching forward, razor-white teeth bared, pale blue eyes almost white with anger, face contorted into a rictus of pure hate. Wolverine's expression was no less malicious as he stopped and drew himself up into a tensed crouch. "You picked one hell of a cold morning to die, Sabre," he rumbled. *Sabretooth*! The man's identity clicked into place in Mirror's mind. She'd seen that spite-twisted face in Cerebro's memory scan, noting him at the time she'd reviewed the file as an enemy of Wolverine's. The information she'd found: the two men had worked together at one time, had even been friends, but now all they wanted to do was kill each other. She hadn't asked, and Wolverine hadn't volunteered any information. Nor were the reasons important just now. All that mattered was that the man she loved was facing his mortal enemy, a man he wanted to kill as fervently as Sabretooth wanted to kill him. They were going to tear each other apart. She ran out into the hallway, not even bothering to snag her jacket-- only her katana. She met Jubilee in the hallway; neither spoke. The whiteness of the younger girl's face indiacted that she'd seen what was going on, sure enough. At the head of the main stairway they met Gambit, Bishop and Beast. The blue-furred scientist bounded far ahead of the rest in their mad dash down the stairs and out the front door. The airborne members of both Blue and Gold teams had already flown out various windows in response to the widespread alarm; Cyclops had been flown down by Jean, while Iceman had formed a slide from his upstairs bedroom. Most of them were in various stages of dress, but all the essentials were covered. Sabretooth lay sprawled on his back in blood-soaked snow, triple slashes glistening redly down his torso. Wolverine stood unscathed over him. "Get up," he growled. Mirror noticed the red lights flickering in the depths of his eyes. Sabretooth snarled. "Kill...you..." His voice was a cracked whisper. He seemed to be having trouble breathing. (He's not healing,) Mirror thought wildly. (He's supposed to heal even faster than Logan. His wounds should be closing up. They're not. Why isn't he healing?!) "I said *get up*." Wolverine kicked Sabretooth's ribcage. The cracking of bone under the blow from his boot made Jubilee go even paler. "My God," breathed Jean. "He's got the virus. The mutant virus." A wide circle formed around the snarling Wolverine and the man lying on the bloodied snow. The fever-glaze in the pale eyes, the sheen of sweat on the flushed skin even in the chill morning air, the dazed and jerky movements, the disorientation--almost everyone present recognized the signs of advanced illness. Xavier hovered in the doorway, Moira MacTaggert standing behind him with her emergency medikit slung on one shoulder by a long strap. Butler stood on the other side in a bathrobe, his blond hair a tangled mess. Mirror's face had drained of color. "He's sick," she said. "He's...*dying*, but I might be able to cure him..." Wolverine drew back one clawed fist. "I got the cure right here." Xavier came to a swift decision. "No, Wolverine. Moira, we'll need ten cc's of hyperthorazine. As soon as he's under, Simon, we'll need a stretcher to get him inside." "I'm on it." Butler turned away, back inside, while MacTaggert came forward readying a hypo. "Jean, I'll need ye t' hold him steady. I dinna want to be gutted." Jean nodded, looked at Sabretooth, and frowned. The raving man froze in place, growled, and erupted in a spasm of racking coughs. Wolverine didn't even react for a moment. Then he lifted blazing eyes to glare at Xavier. "Yer outta yer flamin' mind, Charley. What the hell do ya think yer doin'?" "If we're going to find out whether Mirror actually has the ability to cure the virus released by Stryfe before it claims any more victims, we're going to need a control subject." Xavier pointed at Sabretooth. "Well, we've got one. I understand your objections--" "You understand *nothin'*." "--but there's more than just one life at stake here. It could mean saving all our lives." The glacial eyes slitted. Xavier stared him down. Moira injected the sedative into the prone Sabretooth, who was too weak by now from strain and loss of blood to fight effectively against Jean's telekinetic restraint. He went limp almost immediately. Mirror wanted to reach out to Wolverine--she could feel the searing anger welling inside him, the feeling of betrayal by those closest to him--but she could do nothing. With a snicking sound, he sheathed his claws. He spoke in a monotone: "I'm outta here." No one called him back as he turned and walked away. Xavier didn't respond. He moved aside as Butler steered a hover- powered stretcher out through the double doors. "Let's get him inside. Full restraints." * * * (Is everybody here crazier than I am? Sabretooth's a killer. A madjack crazy psycho, worse than I ever was. The minute they make him better--if they *can* make him better--he'll thank them by gutting every last one of them, and he'll smile big while he's doing it and make casual conversation.) Wolverine pushed his prized Harley-Davidson down the long, winding drive. He was leaving without even the shirt on his back, wearing only his tights and boots. All he wanted was to go. He was tired of caring about people only to have them ignore him or betray him or turn on him. He was a loner, he'd always been a loner, and he was going to die a loner. (This is it,) he promised himself. (This is the end of it. I can't count on nobody but me. I did just fine by myself long before I ever came to this dump, and I'll do just fine long after I'm gone.) He paused at the main gate and mounted his bike. He was about to kick-start it when a flash of light caught his eye. He looked up to the top of the right-hand wall. A yellow trenchcoated figure was sitting leaning against one of the ornamental cornices atop the wall, firing off tiny "paf"s of colored explosive light against another. Her flare shields were down. Out of the corner of her eyes, she was watching him. Wolverine growled in the back of his throat. Jubilee didn't move. (She's just gonna sit there,) he thought. (She won't stop me leaving, she won't try to follow me, but she's just gonna sit there and watch me go.) His lips firming into an almost invisible line, he viciously kicked the starter. The Harley coughed, sputtered and fell silent. "Goddammit," he snarled, raising himself up bodily on the handlebars and coming down hard on the starter again. Cough. Sputter. Silence. Wolverine howled with rage, jumped off the cycle, and planted a hard kick to its side. It fell over in the gravel and lay still, front wheel gently spinning. Jubilee watched him, but said nothing, still sending sparks of color splashing against the far cornice. Without a word, Wolverine turned, his heel crunching in the gravel, and stomped off back towards the mansion. He didn't look back, and he didn't see the tears rolling out from under Jubilee's glasses. * * * Sabretooth lay cuffed down tight in the center of the med-lab. The shackles which held him had been designed to hold down Colossus in his armored form. In Sabretooth's weakened state, a pair of oversized handcuffs probably would have done just as well. Most of the X-Men had gathered off into a corner of the main med-lab, watching tensely, no one speaking, as MacTaggert and Butler monitored Sabretooth's plummeting vital signs and Xavier kept watch over their newly-acquired healer, who was working frantically to save the life of a man who wanted *her* man dead. The triple wounds across his stomach had been closed, to prevent further blood loss. Now Mirror had her hands pressed flat against his chest, her normally composed features distorted by strain and anxiety. Her face was ashen, she was covered with sweat, and every inch of her was trembling with effort. The damage was extensive, and rapidly worsening as the virus ate through his system, tearing him apart from his cells outward. She couldn't keep up with the damage fast enough. "I need...help," she gasped through clenched teeth. "Someone who can...lend me strength. I don't have...enough myself." She reached out one pale, shaking hand. After her first stint in the Danger Room, it had been determined that Mirror could absorb fatigue--not life-energy, as Rogue did, but stamina, from one person and give it to another, or actually use it herself to relieve any fatigue she herself had suffered. This was what she needed now. Before anyone could move, however, the door to the med-lab slammed open. All eyes turned as Wolverine walked across the floor without comment and grabbed Mirror's outstretched hand. "Do it," he hissed, face grimly set. Mirror didn't question his sudden reappearance. Bolstered by the incredible strength of Wolverine's will, she plunged back into a fight she intended to fight as viciously and ruthlessly as ever her lover had in his own physical battles. He had many enemies, she only one: needless death. If it could be prevented, if it was *wrong*, she couldn't stand by and let anyone simply die, not without at least trying to save them. It was part of her basic character, and the small part of her she could still reserve for private thoughts at this moment hoped fervently that Logan could come to understand that. Strength flowed from Wolverine to her, and she mounted a fresh attack against the foreign virus which invaded every tissue of Sabretooth's body. She could sense the damage being done on a molecular level: the ripping apart of atomic structures, the invasion of cell walls, nuclei being torn open, the viral elements shredding DNA into so much protein confetti. Alone, she never could have arrested the damage, never mind repaired it. With strength greater than her own, she was able to overtake the virus, disrupt its pattern of feeding on the DNA structure and reproducing. Relentlessly she pressed her attack, destabilizing the internal structure of every synthetic bacterium she encountered, dissolving it into harmless protoplasm and flushing it out through the bloodstream into the body's waste disposal system. When every trace of the infection Xavier had dubbed the Legacy virus was gone, she set herself to the more difficult task of knitting the DNA structures back together. It wasn't going to be easy. This was no simple cut or bruise or broken leg. This was more like a cancer, most closely resembling leukemia, which in its latest stages disrupted the chromosomal harmony of bone marrow cells. Mirror was, at least, familiar with leukemia. It was a constant threat hanging over the heads of anyone who was exposed to high doses of radiation; it was so prevalent among survivors of the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that leukemia was commonly known in Japan as the "A-bomb disease". Mirror had contracted leukemia herself when she was twelve. The doctors had given her, at most, a year to live. Her mother had cried, inconsolable, her father standing by in stony silence. Six months later, it was gone. Not in remission, but *gone*. The doctors blamed faulty test results, false positives, while secretly wondering at the miracle cure. Only Miryoko had known that she had healed herself--that she could, in fact, heal virtually any disease or injury--and she was forbidden to speak of such things. Using the same determination that had made her make herself well when she'd seen her mother crying, Mirror pulled the shattered genetic structures back together, reforming them from the patterns surviving in the few areas of uninvaded tissues. Twice she nearly lost control and faced total system breakdown; twice more, she nearly passed out from the strain. MacTaggert monitored Sabretooth's vital signs at a remote station. After nearly half an hour, she spoke. "Blood pressure's rising," she said. "Respiration increased to ten bpm. Heart rate stabilizing." Butler looked over her shoulder. "Damn," he said, "I think the poor bastard's going to make it." "Increase the hyperthorazine," Xavier ordered. The last thing he wanted was Sabretooth--who was unquestionably as mentally deranged as he had been the last time the X-Men had encountered him--tearing himself loose from his restraints and murdering the healer who'd just saved his life. "Increasing to twenty cc's," Moira confirmed, turning up the dial on the auto-feed IV. The virus was gone; the wounds inflicted by Wolverine were completely healed. Sabretooth was no longer in danger of dying while lying flat on his back. But he was still sick. Mirror could feel the black lines of madness interwoven through the fabric of his personality, stitched so deep no ordinary psychotherapeutic treatment could touch. At one point his mind had been broken and put back together; he had been totally destroyed and rebuilt. Simply put, Sabretooth's insanity *was not of his own doing*. That meant it was not of his own choice. *That* meant she was under no obligation to obtain his consent before attempting to remove it. (I can do it,) she told herself. (With Logan's strength to back me up, and with Sabretooth so unresisting, I can heal his mind the way I healed his body. Nothing can be worse than the Legacy virus!) Confident after her successful healing, almost drunk with the power borrowed from Wolverine, without a word to anyone Mirror plunged into the black morass of Sabretooth's tortured mind. "What's she doing?" Moira hissed, frowning. "She's trying to cure Sabretooth of his insanity," Xavier murmured, moving forward. "Mirror, don't do it. He won't let you--" Three things happened: Sabretooth roared. Wolverine shouted: "*MIRY*!!" And Mirror screamed as five deep claw-marks simply *appeared* across her bare upper chest, the highest gash narrowly missing her throat. The front of her clothes turned wet scarlet immediately. She fell back into Wolverine's arms, gasping for breath and choking on her own blood. (Snagged her windpipe,) Wolverine registered as he lowered the gurgling woman to the ground. (She'll be dead in less than five minutes.) "Heal yourself!" he barked, command-sharp. Sabretooth roared again and strained. There was a metallic *pop* as one of the cuffs loosened, and with a sharp jerk he tore his right arm free. The room erupted into chaos. "He's breaking loose!" Butler yelled over the sudden din. Rogue and Gambit scrambled to either side of Xavier, to protect him, while Storm and Bishop moved to cover Moira and Butler. Iceman, Beast and Archangel formed a protective circle with Pixie and Galatea on the inside, up against the wall. Jean and Cyclops took up positions between Xavier and the writhing form on the medbed. *Jean!* Xavier sent. *Hold him down! Moira, boost the thorazine level!* "Increasing to fifty cc's," Moira stated with chilling calm, ready to kill the man she'd just helped save in order to keep him from tearing his way out of the mansion. Mirror coughed up blood. She raised watered eyes to Wolverine's face, tried to speak, managed one word: "...failed..." Desperately, he shook her. Her head lolled loose on his arm. "*Heal* yourself, dammit!" he ordered. "Do it!" Mirror spat up more blood, raised a shaking hand. Wolverine grabbed hold of it and pressed it over the gaping claw marks on her chest. "Do it," he said again, and hissed, "*Please*." Her eyes began to glow with a feeble silver light. Jean thought she had a firm mental hold on Sabretooth, but she wasn't prepared for the surge of raw strength through his newly-healed body. Despite her initial efforts to hold him still, he managed to reach around and slash through the intravenous feed tube. He then began to pull on the restraints holding his left arm. "Damn!" Moira hissed. "He's cut the IV." Jean scowled. "Don't worry," she said, pushing her telekinetic power to its upper limits, hyped by adrenaline and frustration, at the moment no longer caring if she crushed Sabretooth while trying to hold him down. "He's not going anywhere." Sabretooth froze, howling, held invisibly and irresistibly in place. *Get that IV line hooked back up!* Xavier ordered. *Jean, hold him steady until he's secured.* "Steady like a rock, Charles." Beast moved to obey Xavier's direction concerning the intravenous feed tube. Everyone else waited. Or almost everyone else. Unable to endure the chaos of noise and fury any longer, Pixie turned on her five-inch spike heel and pelted out of the room, choking back violent sobs. Gambit saw her leave, but could not abandon his place at Xavier's side. Mirror's breaths were coming slower now, easier. The deep gouges in her chest had receded to deep pink welts, and she was no longer coughing and spitting her own blood. Wolverine held her, grimly silent, until he judged her mended enough to move. Then, still wordless, he scooped her up in his arms and simply carried her out. No one tried to stop him. * * * Pixie slammed the door to her room behind her, barely noticing the lock as it clicked into place. She hurled herself headlong diagonally onto her bed, buried her face in her pillow, and let the sobs tear their way out of her. Several rooms away, she could *feel* Mirror, the empathic healer, being miserable over her failure. What did *she* have to feel bad about? At least she'd been able to try something. There was no shame in failure, only in helplessness. (I couldn't *do* anything--just stand there and watch--all the blood--he wanted to kill us all--he doesn't want to not be crazy--I can't even blame him for it--oh God Almighty I'm so *useless*--) :o you are not: something--someone--responded. But no sound reached her ears. :quit that foolishness right now: At the tiny, unfamiliar voice inside her, Pixie reared up and pounded small fists against the mattress. "God *damn* you!" she screamed at the air. "Get the hell outta my head!" :i would: the whoever-it-was replied primly, :if i were but im not so i wont.: "Who the hell are you?" Pixie hissed, trying to identify the strange internal resonance caused by the unheard voice. :im you: "That's crazy." :if you like the point remains im you or at least a part of you: Pixie was so shocked by this revelation that she forgot she was supposed to be crying her eyes out. She sat up, assuming a cross-legged meditative posture, and closed her eyes. (Part of me?) :now youre getting it: (If you're part of me, then how come I've never heard from you before?) :you have a month ago when you almost remembered who and what you are: Pixie frowned; then realization dawned and her sky's-heart eyes flew open wide with surprise. "Illyana!" she gasped. "Miry and I were discussing Illyana, and I..." She trailed off. :and you almost remembered but dont be too hard on yourself you just werent ready to listen then now you are you need to: "Listen to what?" :the truth about yourself its in your blood: "What?" :all you have to do is reach down inside your heart past the years you know back before you were born thats where the secrets are: Pixie opened her mouth to speak, realized she'd been talking out loud to herself for the past couple of minutes, and closed her mouth resolutely. (What secrets? I don't know what you're talking about,) she thought, as clearly and distinctly as she could. :theres no need to shout i can hear you just fine: (Sorry.) :nevermind the secrets are a part of you a gift from your mother: "My mother doesn't want anything to do with...oh." Again Pixie clamped her mouth shut. (You mean my *real* mother? The woman who gave birth to me?) :thats the ticket: (Who was she?) :your mother: (But what was Her *name*? What happened to her? Is she--?) :hold on sweetie if you dont know the answers to all that you cant expect me to i dont know diddly squat about what goes on in the world you live in all i know is what goes on in here: (In where? I still don't understand.) :call me a hot line to your subconscious: (Now wait a minute. I read a bit of Jung in high school. The subconscious doesn't have access to language. It communicates with the conscious self only through dreams.) :youre talking about human subconsciousness: (I *am* human!...well, mutated human...aren't I?) :yes and no it gets sort of complicated but its not really important right now anyway right now youve got more important work to do like that big lug lying crashed out in the med-lab: (I'm not a healer like Miry. If she can't fix him, what am I supposed to be able to do?) :mirror cant heal sabretooth because he doesnt want to be healed being healed would destroy him: (I don't follow you.) :you have the gift of oblivion you can give it to him and the madness will lose its hold over him: ('Gift of oblivion'? What's that supposed to mean?) :youll figure it out you have to try we need him to help the child: (*Illyana*? How the hell can somebody like Sabretooth help a dying little girl if the best doctors in the world can't cure her? Even if he wanted to, even if he *cared*--) :do you want her to die: "*No*!" Pixie said aloud. :then do what you know you have to ill help you thats why im here: (He...if I get close enough to him, he could kill me. The way he almost killed Miry. And I can't heal myself--) :that might be a consideration if you really cared whether you lived or died but you dont o honey of all people you cant lie to yourself youre willing to take the risk for the little girl and we both know it: Slowly Pixie opened her eyes. Her puckish features were set into grim planes and lines of determination. She slid across the bed and hopped down to the floor. Taking a deep breath, she headed towards the door. * * * The sky above the mansion had grown thick with iron grey clouds. The sparkle of the sun had been removed from the snowscaped grounds, turning the trees from glittering crystal to pillars of clouded ice, casting long shadows over the expanse of featureless white on the ground. "You just hadda go for it, didn't'cha." Wolverine sat and glared out the window at the cold, impersonal scenery. "You just had ta try and cure that son of a witchin' bastard." "Yes, I *did*." Mirror lay on her back on her bed, completely healed and bare-breasted, her blood-spattered tunic discarded. She stared at the ceiling. "I did have to try. It's part of what I am." "Is gettin' yer heart ripped out part o' what'cha are?" He threw himself off the windowsill and paced across the room, getting nowhere near the door. "'Cos that's what he tried ta do ta ya. He'd try again if we gave him the chance--which I don't intend ta do. You ain't goin' near him again, and that's final." She sat up and glared at him, cheeks burning. "Who do you think you are, to tell me what to do? If I won't take that from my own father, I sure as hell won't take it from you." Wolverine growled, clenching his fists. Then he grabbed his temper by the scruff of its furry neck and threw it in the deepest hole he could picture in his mind. It would take a while to crawl out of there, and by then he hoped to have the situation under control. "Miry-girl, ya don't understand." "I understand that you hate him. I don't understand why, but you'd kill him right now if you had the chance." "Hell yes, I would! I don't deny it." "But *why*? What could he have done to--" "Because he's already killed one woman I loved, that's why!" he yelled, cutting her off. "I'll be damned to the ninth circle o' hell before I let him kill you, too." Mirror fell silent, mouth still half open, looking at him with wide eyes. Taking slow, deep breaths to keep his temper down its hole, Wolverine moved over to the bed and sat down facing her. He took her shoulders in his hands. "Christ, Miry-girl, don't ya see? I saw Sabretooth rip Silver Fox to shreds not once, but twice. Only the second time it wasn't no memory implant, it was real. I hadda stand there and watch it. Ferro made me. I can still see it, hangin' in front o' my eyes in a continuous loop. Only now..." He shut his eyes and bowed his head, shaking it slowly. "Only now it ain't Silver Fox I'm seein'. It's *you*." Mirror bit her lip. "Oh, Logan..." She reached out and took his face in her hands. He raised up to look at her, and she flinched at the naked pain in his eyes. "There was a time, a long time ago, when I woulda given my life for Vic Creed. He was my partner. He was...my friend. The first friend I ever had, near's I can make out. But there was always somethin' dark inside o' him, and one day it just busted loose and took him over. Even if there was any hope of savin' him, even if I could give my life to bring back the man I used ta know, I sure as hell ain't gonna give yours." He swallowed hard and lowered his head, looking at her from underneath his heavy brows. His hands clamped down on her shoulders almost hard enough to hurt. She didn't care. "I love you, Miryoko." His voice shook. He didn't care. "Logan--" She threw herself against him. "I love you, too. I'll do anything you want me to. Anything." "Stay away from Sabretooth," he rasped against her hair. He wrapped his arms tight around her. "Ya gotta promise me, darlin'." "Anything," she whispered, as though promising to sell her soul. "I swear it." * * * "Um...hi." Jubilee paused in her doleful "paf"ing and looked down. Standing at the outside of the gate was a slender brunette who Jubilee recognized at once. "Oh. Hi, Kit." "Hi." Katherine Pryde's huge brown eyes were bloodshot and hooded, as though she hadn't been sleeping. "Is the Professor in?" "Isn't he always?" Kitty studied her young friend's glum expression for a moment. "Is there...something else going on that I should know about?" "'S nothing. Did you find Pete?" Kitty's face fell. "No. I spent two days scouring SoHo and the Village for him. I even checked out Little Ukraine--he sometimes went there just to hear people speaking Russian. Nothing. Nobody'd seen him anywhere." "Just what we need, more bad news." "I did my best--!" "Yeah. I know. Hey," Jubilee said, pushing herself off the wall and landing squarely on her feet, "c'mon. I'll walk you inside and fill you in on what's been going down." It was better than being miserable all alone. * * * The med-lab had been cleared out. Most of the X-Men had gone to the rec room, or the kitchen, or anywhere in the house above that resembled neutral ground, in order to ease the imprint made by the violence of the scene half an hour before. No one stood guard over the half-sleeping Sabretooth. He was now double-secured to the medbed, the IV drip stepped up to levels that would have killed a normal human almost instantly by stopping his heart. It was barely enough to keep Sabretooth semiconscious. "The pharmasynthesis units can only manufacture hyperthorazine at an established rate," Moira told Xavier as both kept an eye on their unwilling patient from an adjoining room. A double sheet of glassteel set in a vanadium-reinforced wall stood between them and any chance of Sabretooth getting loose again. "Any faster will deplete our supply entirely--and God help us then, when the drugs run out and he regains full consciousness." "The question remains," said Xavier, "what is to be done with him? I have grave reservations about turning Sabretooth over to the authorities, given the fact that anti-mutant sentiments are running at an all-time high even in our own government. However, if we were to release him he would surely do nothing more or less than turn around and come back after us--especially Wolverine, whom he hates with such a fine passion. We can hardly keep him here under sedation indefinitely. Perhaps--" "Charles!" Moira cried out, pointing through the glass. "Look ye there!" Xavier turned around in his hoverchair. A small, blue-clad figure was climbing up onto Sabretooth's chest. "Pixie!" Xavier was right behind Moira as she went to the door and tried to open it. She slapped her palm several times against the pad. "It's nae good," she said. "The doors are locked frae the inside." *Cyclops. Bishop. Storm. Wolverine. To the med-lab immediately.* Then Xavier focused his concentration on the small woman beyond the glass. *Pixie, I order you to--* He stopped. Stared. His jaw dropped. Moira saw and put a hand on his shoulder. "Charles, what is it?" "Some kind of--interference." His voice was hushed with shock. "I...can't get through! But Pixie's not a telepath, and I sense no influence outside these rooms. What...?" Moira had no answers for him. * * * Synthetic insanity. Manufactured madness. That was the key. The psychosis wasn't real, therefore it couldn't be healed by normal means. (Implant,) Pixie thought, wondering at the choice of the word. It didn't matter. That was what Sabretooth was. He didn't exist, not as an actual person, not as a separate entity. The jagged edges that made him what he was stuck out here and there like shards of filthy black glass jutting out of a psyche that was battered, but intact, kept from being whole only by the interference from the implanted bits that made up Sabretooth. Made up. That was all Sabretooth had ever been. Carefully, deliberately, Pixie picked her way through the alien landscape of another person's mind. She couldn't read it, she couldn't receive any information from it. She was guided by her budding instincts. *Forget*. A black fragment dissolved into nothingness. The gap left by its passing closed of its own accord. *Forget*. A field of razor splinters disintegrated, leaving not even a mark behind. *Forget*. She couldn't have mended the breaks in his mind, but she didn't have to. With the interference removed, they were closing up all by themselves. *Forget*... * * * (We're ready to force the door, Professor.) *Wait, Scott. It may not be necessary. I've been monitoring Pixie's progress. Whatever she's doing, it seems to be actually stabilizing Sabretooth's psyche.* (She...she's *healing* him?!) *Not precisely. Somehow she's eliminating the fragments of madness scattered through his mind. I would hazard a guess that his psychotic behavior is actually a form of memory implant, imposed upon Sabretooth while he was involved with the Weapon X Project. There was no way of knowing before, of course; none of us were ever given time and leisure to sufficiently probe his mind.* (So what do you want us to do?) *Stand ready, but don't act yet. I don't know what will happen to Pixie if her concentration is broken at this crucial stage. I will continue to monitor her and Sabretooth both, and be ready to intervene should I deem it necessary.* (It's your call, sir.) "What's the word?" Bishop asked as Cyclops turned back around to face him and Storm. "The word," Cyclops replied, "is 'wait'. Therefore...we do so." "Wait," Storm echoed. "For what, Cyclops?" "For something to happen, one would suppose." * * * It was done. Pixie let her hands fall away from Sabretooth's temples and drop to her sides. Her ribs heaved as she sucked in breath. She was covered with sweat, and wet ringlets fell over her face and shoulders. The man beneath her opened his eyes. She noticed for the first time how striking they were--the palest blue, shot through with slivers of white and indigo both. His face was slack, relaxed, rather than frozen in a snarling rictus. His nose was a bit flat and broad, but he had full lips and high cheekbones and very fine, pale, smooth skin. His long white-blond hair spread out over the narrow pillow underneath his head in soft curling waves. He was actually quite attractive. He blinked up at her for a moment; then, slowly, he showed a crooked smile. "So, babe," he rumbled deep in his barrel-chest, "how much I owe you?" * * * The sound of running footsteps came ringing down the hallway. Bishop tensed, one hand reaching for his gun. "I think something's about to happen," he said. Wolverine came tearing around the corner, Mirror at his heels. "Outta my way, prettyboy!" he snarled, pushing past Cyclops. "Wolverine, you can't go in there," Cyclops warned. "The Professor said--" "Wolverine!" Storm called, her voice steeling to a command tone. Wolverine ignored them both. Snarling at the med-lab door as though it had attacked him, he popped his claws and ripped it open. "Damn it!" Bishop reached out, but Wolverine was too quick for him and charged into the room. He did manage to snag Mirror by the arm, holding her back in an iron grip. The man on the medbed turned his head to look as Wolverine charged in. "Hey, runt," he said. His weary but congenial tone froze Wolverine in his tracks. The Canadian stood there staring, breathing hard, claws still out and ready. "Who's your friend?" he asked, indicating with a nod of his head. Mirror stood in the doorway behind Wolverine, still in Bishop's grasp, the black leather jacket she'd thrown on open down the front and only half covering her bare breasts. "Not too bad; you always did go for them exotic types." Without any show of concern, he looked up at Pixie. "So, darlin'," he said, "what's my tab?" She still didn't answer him. "Quiet one, ain't'cha? 'S okay, you got nice boobs anyhow." He frowned as he tugged experimentally at his double-restrained wrists. "Funny; I don't remember bein' into bondage. Oh well, if it don't cost extra I'll try anything once. Twice if I like it. Three times to make sure." He looked back at the shredded doorway. "Hey, dude! What'cher rentin' yer prize filly here for?" All eyes slowly gravitated to Bishop, who stood staring with a total lack of comprehension evident on his dark features. "What?" "Whaddaya mean, 'what'?" He looked up at the near-exhausted woman astride his chest. "I think yer pimp's been doin' too many recreational pharmaceuticals, sweetness." "He's...not my...pimp," Pixie gasped. "Oh. Then how come he's holdin' onta Logan's good time girl like she was his property?" Wolverine didn't glance back. His eyes were riveted on the man on the medbed. Step by step, he crossed the room, his expression shifting from rage to disbelief to utter confusion. (It don't smell like Sabretooth anymore. Used to be I could smell the crazy coming off him in waves. That's gone, like it never was. He's...different.) *No one is to interfere,* Xavier sent to each of his students. *Not until I give the word.* Everyone waited. Wolverine stopped about eight and a half feet away from the medbed. He inhaled again, studying the ice-blue eyes looking back at him, their depths now clear of the shadows of madness. He gasped as an unbidden memory washed over him. *"Hurry up and take the picture, dammit!" Creed whipped off his pith helmet and swiped a forearm across his dripping brow. "Unless you get off on seein' yer teammates meltin' in the Sahara sunshine." "I w-will if you-you'll just hold st-still." Oliphant adjusted the focus on the ancient Polaroid, raised it up and squinted through the tiny viewfinder. "Damn. St-still not right." "Lemme see it, big guy." Logan came forward and took the camera from Oliphant. "Hang on...see, ya gotta fiddle with this gizmo here--there. Hold still, Vic. Smile pretty." He turned and raised the camera to his face. "W-watch it, ya little hairy f-fireplug. I only g-got one p-p-picture left." "Pipe down, Olly. I ain't gonna waste a picture on Vic all by his lonesome." Logan adjusted the focus lever until the exaggerated grin on his partner's face was clearly visible, and the pyramids in the background were only slightly blurred. "There ya go. Just point it and hit the little black button on top." He walked back to Creed's side and turned around to face Oliphant. Creed dropped a personable arm around his partner's shoulders and made a thumbs-up gesture with his other hand. "Ok-k-kay," Oliphant said, sighting through the viewfinder at them, carefully centering them. "Everyb-body s-say, 'Ch-Cheops'!" Logan smirked. Creed grinned big, showing his white teeth. CLICK.* Just like that, the memory ended. (Oliphant. Elefante?) The image flashed into his mind again: big, tall man, square-jawed and broad-shouldered, thick black hair always kept slicked back, swarthy complexion, handlebar mustache, the stutter that he could never quite suppress-- (*Mastodon*! One of the old team. Him. Sabretooth. Silver Fox. Maverick. Wraith-Man. Me. The Weapon X program. His healing factor backfired on him somehow and he got old and died. Silver Fox is dead. Maverick is God-knows-where. (Just me and Sabretooth left now. Only he don't act or sound or...smell like Sabretooth. (Jesus Holy Roller Christ. It's *Creed*.) "...Vic...?" he intoned, his rough voice setting off metallic echoes in the reinforced room. "That's my name, pard. What's got your shorts in a wad?" Wolverine's hands unclenched, his claws snapping back into their sheaths within his forearms. He stepped forward, reached up, took Pixie gently around her waspish waist and lifted her down to the floor. She staggered backwards, almost falling; Gambit slipped into the room before anyone could stop him, caught her up, and carried her out. No one else moved. "It's really...you." There was no uncertainty in Wolverine's statement, only a firm decisiveness. "Well, it sure ain't Mahatma Gandhi, short-stuff." Wolverine popped one claw. "Don't--!" Cyclops objected, but Wolverine didn't cut Creed, only his restraints, chopping through all the cuffs on the left-hand side in one smooth motion. "Nice trick." Admiration was evident in Creed's voice as he lifted his arm and looked at the severed metal. "Where'd'ya get the pigstickers?" "Long story." Wolverine accepted the fact that Creed no longer remembered his claws. He walked around and cut him loose on the other side as well. Creed sat up, shaking his shaggy head. "Whoa. Musta been some drunk I was on. I can't even remember what day it is. How long've we been here?" "Longer story." "I just bet." He looked around, taking in his surroundings fully for the first time. "Tell ya what, pard...this's gotta be the most peculiar whorehouse I ever saw." "Ain't no whorehouse, Vic." "Looks more like a hospital." He grinned and winked at Wolverine. "Gotta tell ya, I like the nursin' staff." Wolverine looked over to the glassed-in room where Xavier and MacTaggert were watching. "It's okay. I dunno how, but...he ain't crazy no more." "Crazy? Whaddaya mean? I always been crazy." Creed swung his legs off the medbed and blinked when they hit the floor. "Whoa. They must make things powerful short around here." He stood up. And up. He stood towering over Wolverine, nearly three heads taller. "You been gettin' shorter on me, runt?" he asked, trying to make a joke of his confusion. "I don't remember bein' this much bigger'n you." *Wolverine,* Xavier sent, *if you would kindly open the door for Moira and myself...?* Without any sarcastic comments--unusual for him--Wolverine walked over to that side of the room and keyed open the door. MacTaggert entered cautiously; Xavier glided past her, reassured by his perceptions of Creed's surface thoughts, which were wholly free of the distinctive jangle of psychosis. At this point, Wolverine was far closer to the edge of madness than Victor Creed. "Please let us through, Bishop," Storm requested in her soft contralto. He did so, and Cyclops and Storm entered the med-lab and took up positions on either side of Xavier. "Um--excuse me." Mirror looked up at Bishop, then pointedly glanced at the arm still held in his firm grasp. "If you're through with that arm, could I have it back, please?" He'd half forgotten he was still holding onto her. "Sorry," he rumbled, letting her go. "Thanks," she said with surprisingly little sarcasm. She adjusted her jacket to cover herself a bit more decently and went into the med-lab. She came to a stop a cautious six feet behind Wolverine, who stood once more facing the dominating figure of Victor Creed. "Seriously, pard," Creed rumbled without acknowledging the newcomers, "where the rip-snortin' hell are we?" "It's the med-lab at Xavier Institute for Higher Learning." "A college, huh?" He looked around, his eyes lighting on the eldest stranger present--the one confined to the strange goldtone space-age wheelchair that didn't have any wheels. "You the dean or somethin'?" "I'm Professor Charles Xavier." "Whatever. So, runt," Creed continued, looking back at his erstwhile partner, "what're we doin' here anyway? Another covert experimental program they slipped us the paperwork for when we wasn't lookin', or what?" "I'm afraid you've got quite a bit of catching up to do, Mr. Creed," Xavier suggested. Wolverine said nothing. * * * Pixie was drained to the point of collapse. She barely remembered being carried up the stairs; she couldn't have hazarded a guess to who her rescuer had been. (Why can't I just pass out and have done with it?) she wondered as she lay on her bed semi-conscious. :because you arent finished yet: (You again?! My chatterbox subconscious? I'm done past the point of doing, girl. Let me sleep.) :have you forgotten: (Look, I don't even know what I did to the guy; I just made him forget a couple things. He was fine when I left him. If he's not fine anymore, knowing Wolverine he's probably dead. What else can I do?) :have you forgotten about the girl: (*What* girl? Mirror? She's got somebody's shoulder to cry on; I'm the one who's all alone.) :have you forgotten about illyana: Pixie's eyes fluttered open. (...Illyana? What's she got to do with Sabretooth?) :you needed his strength to add to the love from the others mirror can gather up their love and give it to you and it will give you the strength you need to help illyana: Her eyes tracked over to the window, where she saw a slender man's silhouette framed against the iron-cold sky. His face was in profile, but as he took a drag from his cigarette she caught a flash of red-on-black eyes: Gambit. She froze until he looked away again, unable to withstand a confrontation of any kind at this point. (Look,), she argued with herself, (Mirror's a healer and she said the girl's gonna die if they pull her out of that machine. I can't--) :you can youre a life bringer: (Wha...?) :with the love the others have for the child you can restore life to her after its gone youll only get one chance its dangerous but you have to try its a chance you have to take for the life of a child: (For the life of a child...) :and those who still love her: Pixie watched through slitted eyes as Gambit flicked his ashes out a crack in the window. He sighed, glanced at her for a moment (during which she held perfectly still) and then took a long look out the window. She slid noiselessly off the bed, padded silently on bare feet over to the door. (Bless his heart, he even took off my shoes trying to make me comfortable. It's nice to know somebody cares. Maybe he oughta try a little harder to show it.) She carefully eased the door open. --cre-e-e-eak-- The sound came just as she was slipping through the opening. Gambit's head whipped around. "*Alor*!" he shouted. "Whups--I'm busted!" she said--and jumped into the hallway. Gambit leapt from the window and over the bed, shouting, "*Attendre-vous, petite! Revenez*!" But she wasn't about to go back. She kicked herself up in the air, spread her gauzy wings, and shot off down the hallway at a speed she never would have thought possible, the Cajun hot on her heels. * * * Kitty and Jubilee stood on the entry rug in the foyer, brushing off snow and adjusting to the sudden change in temperature. There had been a lot of pauses and hesitations on their way up the walk; they had missed Gambit's mad dash up the stairs with Pixie by about three and a half minutes. "...And that's why Magneto went bad again, I think," Kitty was saying. "It all started about the time Doug Ramsey died. I think Magnus blamed himself. When he was there for Illyana, I hoped things would get better, but they only got worse." "I just hope he stays wherever he is," Jubilee grumbled, stamping her cold feet. "We've got enough problems as it is." "*Attention*!" The hammer of running footsteps made both girls look up. A pink-winged blur slipped past them, under the main stairway, towards the lower levels underneath the house. Gambit was right behind her; halfway down the stairs he snapped out his quarterstaff, leapt over the banister, executed a perfect tuck-and-roll in midair, and hit the ground running after her. "*Ou va-t-toi*?" "Oh my God," Jubilee gasped. "Sabretooth must've busted loose!" Kitty gaped at her. "*Sabretooth*?! Why didn't you *tell* me?" "I would've if you hadn't been running your mouth in overdrive all the way up the walk! I couldn't get a word in with sledgehammer, a crowbar and a crate of WD-40!" Jubilee took off after Gambit. "Come on before we miss something!" "You go your way," Kitty called after her, "and I'll go mine." And she phased through the floor. Jubilee paused and looked back in time to see Kitty turn intangible and sink out of sight. "God, I wish I could do that. Instead, I blow stuff up." She shook herself, turned on her heel, and hurried after Gambit and Pixie. * * * Kitty reached the lower levels first and headed straight for the med- lab. Most of the X-Men were standing in the corridor outside by now, and it would have been next to impossible to push through the crowd. Kitty simply phased down into the floor, walked ten paces holding her breath, and rose back up just inside the med-lab. "Kitten!" Storm gasped as the young woman she loved as dearly as her own child appeared in the doorway. Kitty stopped dead in her tracks. She was standing on one side of Xavier, with Cyclops on the other side; Wolverine and the woman called Mirror were standing at the opposite end of a recently-vacated medbed. Between them sat... sure enough, Sabretooth, looking as confused as he'd once appeared ferocious. Bishop, still at his post in the doorway, reached out for Kitty to pull her back--but his hand passed right through her. For a moment, Ororo could have almost believed that Kitty Pryde was thirteen and a half again; the mingled shock and guilt on the angular little face was one the child she'd been had worn many times when she'd gone charging into a situation without thinking. "Sorry, Ororo," she mumbled--exactly as the child she'd once been would have done. Storm looked at Xavier, who nodded; she walked over to the door and spoke in low tones. "You have arrived at a particularly chaotic time." "So I noticed," she hissed back. "What's going on? What's Sabretooth doing here, why isn't he drugged out or tied down or both, and why hasn't Wolverine torn him apart yet?" "Because," Storm replied, "that is not, strictly speaking, Sabretooth." Kitty blinked at her. "You've lost me." Before Storm could elaborate, a tiny figure about the size of a Barbie doll flew over her head. Pixie grew to full size and lighted in front of Xavier. Sabretooth--or, rather, Victor Creed--jumped, but settled down when he saw who it was. "Hey, sweet thang," he rumbled. She barely nodded at him. "Professor," she said, "it's about Illyana. I think I can help her, but I need everybody else's help to do it. I can't make her well--you'll need Miry for that--but I can keep her alive...if you-all people love her enough." Xavier looked steadily at her. "You don't beleive me, do you?" "I believe you wish to help, Vanessa. You unquestionably righted Sabr--Victor Creed's mind, though I'm still not quite sure how. But to actually keep a child from dying--" "You want convincing? Okay. Go ahead," she said, planting her fists on her hips. "Take a look in my head if you want. I'm not crazy! I don't know how I know I can do it, but I know I can. Just like I helped Sabretooth--or Mr. Creed--or whoever he is." "You can call me Vic, honey," Creed offered with a puzzled half-grin. "*Pardon*--*excusez-moi*--*ouste*!--" Gambit pushed his way through the crowd and finally squeezed between Bishop and Archangel into the room. "Sorry, M'sieur Professor; I turn my back for *un moment* and--pouf! She is gone." "It's all right, Gambit." Xavier reached out cautiously with his mind, skimming the surface of Pixie's thoughts. Her resolve was genuine, her faith unshakable, but there was nothing in her conscious mind to give any grounds for her conviction that she could, indeed, help Illyana. It wasn't a delusion, nor was it desperation--there seemed to be a connection deep in her subconscious, her primal self, below the veil of self-awareness... :uh-*uhn*: Xavier jerked back; his eyes flew open wide. Cyclops was at his side immediately. "Charles? Are you--" "I'm fine, Scott." (Just a bit...surprised. I reached mental fingers into Pixie's mind, and I got my hand slapped. I could force a probe, but to do so would be unethical. I have been told in no uncertain terms to back off. But--Pixie isn't aware of it. She looks as surprised as I do. (It wasn't a mental attack. It did me no harm whatsoever. It was as if a door was politely but firmly shut in my face. (A door to what, I wonder? (I'm beginning to think there's more to Ms. Vanessa Covington-Smythe than we ever imagined. Much more. (I'm also beginning to think she's right about what she can do for Illyana.) "At this point, I honestly don't see what harm any attempt can do the child," he said. "However, there remains one obstacle: we cannot remove her from the stasis helmet without her brother's consent, and since Kitty returned alone, I can only assume she was unsuccessful in locating Peter." Sometimes Fate has a peculiar sense of humor. No sooner had the Professor spoken, than Storm distinctly heard a deep baritone voice just beyond the door. Where Kitty had had to phase around the crowd, and Gambit had had to bully his way through, the X-Men gathered in the corridor parted like the Red Sea before Moses as the grim figure of Piotr Nickolaevich Rasputin entered the med-lab. "*Peter*!" Kitty shouted, dashing forward, opening her arms for the man she had loved since childhood. She stopped barely out of reach when he didn't acknowledge her with so much as a look, but walked past her as though she wasn't even there. Storm came up behind her, putting hands on her shoulders, and she turned and buried her face against Ororo's breast and choked back her sobs as her tears fell. Colossus stopped in front of Xavier's chair. If he even saw the man he knew as Sabretooth, he didn't show it. "If there is truly nothing you can do for my sister, Professor," he said, his voice dull and dead, "if you have failed her--failed all of us--that completely, then perhaps it is time to end her suffering and allow her to find some measure of peace." Pixie turned on him. "You Illyana's brother?" "I am. Who are you?" "They call me Pixie. And just who the hell are *you* to tell the Professor that he's failed anybody? Did he create the mutant virus that's killing people? No. Did he do everything humanly and mutantly and alienly possible to save your sister's life? Yes. Is he still racking his brain trying to save her and is willing to take a chance on me, who he barely knows, in order to save her? Hell yes. I think it's wonderful how much you love your sister. Yoiu're gonna need every ounce of that love if you expect to help her live. But if you poison it with bitterness that's half made up on account of you blaming yourself for not being able to help her, then you're not gonna be of any use to anyone including yourself, never mind your sister. Now do you want to help her, or not? 'Cause if you can't set aside your hate for the Professor and concentrate on your love for Illyana, you might as well turn your nose towards the door and keep on walking." The med-lab had gone absolutely silent. Everyone was watching Colossus, who stood towering over the four-foot-tall Pixie, an overshadowing Goliath to her distaff David. Colossus never took his eyes from Pixie, but he spoke to Xavier. "*Gospyodin* Xavier," he intoned, "is this truly my sister's only hope of survival?" "It is, Piotr." A moment of silence. "Then," Colossus said, "do it." Xavier nodded. "Mr. Creed, if you will excuse us for a while..." "I ain't going nowhere," Creed replied. Xavier nodded and turned away. "Cyclops, Storm, assemble your teams in the isolation ward. We must give Pixie whatever assistance she requires." Soon the med-lab was empty except for two people. Victor Creed stood up slowly, testing his legs, wondering at how much taller he had become, seemingly to him overnight. He noticed movement near the doorway and looked around. Jubilee froze, caught in the act of watching him as she lingered behind the others. "Uh...hi," she said, glancing out into the hall at Wolverine's retreating back. "Hey there," Creed said, smiling. "You're one o' the Professor's mu --uh, students, huh?" "Yeah. I'm Jubilee. And yeah, I'm a mutant." This last with a defiant thrust of the chin. "Ain't no problem, darlin'. So'm I." Creed raised his hands and looked at them. He was affecting a casual air, but Jubilee was experienced enough with such cavalier facades to spot the flash of pain just behind the pale eyes. "From what little bits I can gather, I gave Logan a hard time for a while. Maybe longer'n I really want to think about just now. Somethin' tells me you was in on the tail end o' some o' that grief, and...well, I just hope you won't hold it against me, is all." "No, it's okay; head trips I can understand." (He talks just like Wolvie,) she thought. (Jeez, now that he's not trying to rip our throats out every five seconds, he's not such a bad guy.) He looked up at her, his eyes clear and unclouded, and suddenly Jubilee remembered something that had happened a little over a year before: she and Wolvie and the Hunter in Darkness on a Manhattan rooftop, fighting Sabretooth and some crazy witch named--oh, she couldn't remember, Annie or Sally or somesuch idiocy. Whoever she was, she'd been shooting mercury-loaded hollow point rounds, and the poison had done strange things to Wolvie and Sabretooth both. It had made Wolverine act crazy, and it... ...it had made Sabretooth act *sane*. What was it he had said? Something about knowing a way out...he'd called Wolvie "partner" instead of "sonny boy"...and right before she'd jumped Annie/Sally/whoever, he'd collapsed and told Wolvie to "go on without him", and Wolvie had said he couldn't leave Sabretooth because he was his p... (Not "pa"..."Partner", maybe...?) "Penny for your thoughts, pretty girl." "Huh? Oh." Jubilee returned Creed's smile, amazed at herself at how easy it was. "Nothing. I was just--" "Hey, Jubie!" Wolverine's voice rang down the corridor. "Get the lead out." "Coming!" She shrugged at Creed. "I gotta go." "No problem. I hope everything works out." She didn't bother closing what was left of the door after her. (Well, after all, if he's gonna go crazy again a sliced up door won't slow him down much, and anyway...it might make him feel better to know that *some* people around here are willing to trust him.) The isolation ward was barely big enough to accommodate the small crowd of sixteen people who collected around the preservation capsule and its precious contents. Pixie stood next to Colossus at Illyana's side, the harsh words of a few minutes before forgotten. (He loves his sister,) she thought. (She's all that's left of the life he once knew, the only family he has. He would rather die than lose her. He *will* die, inside, if he loses her. (I can't let that happen. I won't!) :good girl: Mirror stood directly behind her. "What..." The half-caste Oriental's voice caught; she swallowed hard and tried again. "What do you want me to do?" she whispered. Pixie let her inner voice speak through her. "Take the love every person here has for that little girl. Take it into yourself just the way you take in energy when you absorb it. Then give it to me. When there's enough, we'll be ready to take her out of there." Mirror felt a broad, warm hand on her back: Wolverine. "May as well start with me, darlin'," he husked. She smiled, grateful, and reached for him, for the love he had, not just for her, but the small, white-faced girl lying at death's door. Wolverine felt things more purely and sharply than anyone else she'd ever known. It was the difference between listening to music from a transistor radio and attending a Grateful Dead concert. Colossus reached back and placed a hand on her arm. The affection and need and concern for his dying sister made the tears stream from Mirror's silver-flickering eyes. She reached out and took Kitty Pryde's hand, and she began to sob openly. One by one the X-Men gave Mirror their strength of devotion and their love; several times she thought herself filled to capacity, but she knew she wasn't nearly done, so she pressed on. When each of them had given nearly to the point of collapse, she stepped forward and pressed her hands to Pixie's shoulders. Pixie gasped openly as the intense flood of emotion washed over her, the sum total of all the love the individual X-Men possessed--for Illyana, for each other, for the dream Xavier promised--mixed in with all their joys, their hopes, the faith which sustained them through every sorrow past. It suffused her total being, seeped deep into the cracks between the few-numbered years of her life and primed a wellspring of power she never knew had existed before, years and years before she was even born. It was far older than she was, almost older than the world she knew. But... :not enough: and the small voice inside her fairly rang with frustration and need. :almost almost but gods help us not quite enough: "It's not *enough*," she sobbed. "So close, but we need just a little more..." In the silence that followed, Jean Grey murmured, "It's all we have. All our love, all our support, all our strength. There's nothing more we can give." "Speak for yerself, Red." Pixie turned around to the open doorway. Even through eyes blurred by tears, she recognized who was standing there, and for an instant she didn't care if it was Sabretooth come to rip them all to shreds. She didn't care. Illyana was lost. Nothing else mattered. But it was Victor Creed. "Ya need strength, little Pixie-girl? I got plenty and to spare." "But you know nothing of Illyana," Xavier objected. "You're a stranger to her, and Pixie's power to sustain her through Mirror's healing must be fueled by love. At least, that's my understanding of it." "It doesn't matter." Mirror stepped forward, eyes bright with renewed hope. "If Sabretooth is willing to give some of his life- energy, I can transform it into what Pixie needs." "What brought our *your* noble streak, Creed?" Wolverine asked, eyes narrowing. Colossus glared at Wolverine, while several other people shifted uncomfortably. But Xavier understood: it was a test, as much of Wolverine's own ability to accept Creed as he was now as of Creed's sincerity. "It's a kid, ain't it? She ain't done nothing to nobody. Anyway, what's it to ya, runt? If I wanna help, it's my business. Got it?" Wolverine snorted and looked away, in direct counterpoint to the flood of intense relief Xavier read from him. (If Creed had protested that he wanted to "make up" for the bad things he'd done, or some such, he would have been far more apprehensive. But the response was a sincere one...one the man Creed once was and may well be again would have given. It will no doubt make Wolverine's adjustment to the new situation that much easier.) Mirror looked at Xavier, who nodded once. Then she looked at Wolverine. *Stay away from Sabretooth. Ya gotta promise me, darlin'*. And she had. And now she had to break that promise to help save a little girl's life. He scowled and jerked his head towards the door. "G'wan," he said. "We're missin' Oprah." Mirror walked up to the massive blond man. He he folded his hand around hers, and hers disappeared up past the wrist. Her eyes glowed silver, and she drew in a sharp breath. So did he. When she turned away, there was a new look of resolve on her face. There were no doubts left in her mind that Victor Creed had been made whole. For his part, Creed just sort of slumped against the doorway with a dazed smirk on his face. "Whoa," he said, "what a head rush." No one laughed. Mirror held out a shining hand to Pixie. She took it, and the life energy donated by Sabretooth joined the wellspring of love inside her--and topped it off. :YES!: "Now," Pixie whispered. Xavier nodded to MacTaggert, who reached forward and broke the seal on the preservation capsule. The clear cover rose up. Colossus stepped back to let Xavier pass; his jaw firmed, and he blinked hard. Kitty put a hand on his forearm, and he put his other hand over hers. He never took his eyes off his sister's still form. She lay unmoving, her small chest barely moving. She was still wearing the white cotton lace nightgown she'd gotten for Christmas, the one with tiny mother-of-pearl buttons on the shirred yoke. Xavier reached into the capsule, touched a few glowing studs on the alien helmet, and gently removed it. A long, rasping, labored breath filled the room. Everyone was absolutely silent. It hovered for a moment in the silence; then, slowly, thinly, it escaped her. Illyana's last breath. :NOW: Pixie put a hand on the girl's chest, concentrated, and tapped the wellspring inside her. All the love and joy and hope and faith and strength flowed from her into the small vessel before her, seemingly more than such a tiny form could hope to hold. But in the blink of an eye, it was all gone, dispersed into fibre of the child's very being, enough to sustain the feeble spark of life still left inside her and revive it. Pixie added her own strength to it, her faith, her hope for a girl she didn't even know but who held the bright promise any child of her age would. A long silence. "Oh, God..." Kitty whispered. Then a long, shuddering breath. Coughing. Small thick whimpers as she struggled for the next breath. "Jesus in a hula hoop," Simon Butler stated, still at the auxiliary monitor, "it worked!" "*Mirror*!" Pixie cried. "She's still--" "I'm coming!" Room was hastily made for the healer; she moved quickly to the side of the capsule and scooped Illyana up into her arms. She knelt on the floor with her, crouching over her; her eyes glowed silver, then her arms, then her whole body, and the silver light enfolded Illyana. "Can she do it?" "She did it before--" "But Illyana's so *sick*--" *Quiet! All of you!* Xavier commanded. *We mustn't break her concentration.* Mirror's smooth, exotic features twisted before their eyes into a grimace as fierce as a Kabuki mask's. The shimmers of silver turned her face white. Her teeth were bared, her lips drawn back. "I beat you once," she hissed. "If it takes all my strength, I'll do it again!" Illyana coughed, hard and wracking, convulsing in Mirror's arms. Wolverine dropped to his knees behind Mirror and put his arms around her. "If ya can get strength from love, darlin'," he murmured against her long dark hair, "take all ya need." Mirror intensified her assault on the virus invading Illyana's frail body, and from the moment that Wolverine joined the fight, the outcome was never really in doubt. Almost instantly, Illyana's coughing ceased; as the minutes passed, her breathing deepened, became stronger. She sucked air hard through her parted pink lips into her small lungs, exhaling with a force she hadn't managed in days before her final crisis. Kitty was crying out loud now. Colossus' arm was around her back, holding her tight against his side, almost tight enough to hurt. She barely even felt it. Jubilee was biting her lip, and didn't realize how hard until she tasted blood in her mouth. Finally the silver light faded. Mirror and Wolverine were both covered with sweat. She leaned back against him, and he barely caught her. Illyana opened her eyes. Clear, cornflower blue, and unglazed by fever. Still in her nightgown, she sat up in Mirror's arms, obviously puzzled. "Piotr...?" Her voice was pure and sweet, with none of the rattle of congestion. "Here, little snowflake," he said, stepping forward, still holding on to Kitty. Illyana looked at Mirror, then blinked up at her brother with a puzzled smile. "" she said in her native Russian, "" Colossus let Kitty go, fell to his knees on the floor, and gathered his sister into his arms. "*Spasyiba*," he sobbed, "thank you...thank you..." "Don't...thank me," Mirror gasped, still leaning on Wolverine. "Pixie...saved her life when I couldn't." "I didn't do it alone." Pixie was almost white; she knew she was near collapse, but she was too exhausted even to move from her place by the capsule. "We all did it. Every one of us." She smiled at the man near the doorway, apart from the rest. "You too, Mr. Creed." "" Illyana said, holding out her arms. Kitty knelt beside Peter and hugged the little girl. "" "" and Kitty tried hard to keep her voice steady and cheerful, "" "" " Jubilee, Illyana wants to--" She looked up, searched the crowd, and frowned. "Where's Jubilee?" "She took off outta here right after the kid woke up," Creed said, jerking his thumb towards the hall. "Said she'd be right back." Jean looked at Scott, who nodded, and she exited the isolation ward. "I think the rest of us had best clear out of here," Archangel said. "We need to let Illyana get settled." "Yeah." Wolverine helped Mirror to her feet; he was already nearly recovered, but she was still a bit shaky. "I gotta get this girl into bed before she keels over." "And *you*, petite," Gambit said, taking Pixie's hand, "'ave a bit of bed rest to catch up on yourself, *non*?" She grinned up at him, and with the last of her fading strength, said, "Is that an invitation, M'sieur Cajun?" He bent down and picked her up with no discernible effort. "When you're sufficiently rested," he murmured against one pointed ear, "we'll talk, *cherie*." She shivered deliciously as he carried her out. "Thank you all," Colossus said, still holding Illyana's tiny hand in his. "I realize my behavior has been--" "If explanations and apologies are necessary, Peter," Xavier said, "there will be time for them later. At the moment, you have a sister to look after." "Of course, *Gospyodin* Xavier, you are correct." (Please forgive me, sir.) *There is nothing to forgive, Piotr Nickolaevich. You spoke and acted out of grief and concern, and I was able to do nothing to allay your fears. It is fortunate for us all that I found someone who could.* (If it had not been for you, we never would have found those who could save my sister's life. I will be forever grateful to you for that, Professor.) Jean reappeared with Jubilee, who made her way through the dispersing crowd with something tucked under her arm. Only Xavier, MacTaggert, Kitty, Peter, Jean, Scott remained, gathered around Illyana in a tiny cluster. Jubilee squatted down and held something out. "I thought you might want this," she said. "It was just sort of laying around my room, and, well..." "Bamf!" Illyana squealed with joy, grabbing the doll from Jubilee's hand and clutched it to her chest. "" "" Illyana hugged Bamf to her and beamed at the Chinese girl. "*Spasyiba*, Jubilee." "She says, 'Thank you.'" "Yeah, well, whatever. At least you're not sick anymore." Kitty smiled at Illyana. "" "" Kitty translated, and Jubilee actually laughed. * * * Westchester County, New York Friday, the 12th, 11:43 p.m. *From the Files of Charles Xavier, Ph.D., Director of the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning: Illyana's recovery is truly remarkable. After a thorough examination by Dr. MacTaggert, it was revealed that Illyana's genetic structure is once more whole and undamaged, completely restored. She is also quite healthy and active and by this afternoon was outside building a snowman with her brother and Kitty Pryde. Using samples of Illyana's and Sabretooth's infected blood, Moira, Dr. Butler, and Hank McCoy have set themselves the difficult task of finding a vaccine for the mutant virus. While we are fortunate to have Mirror and Pixie with us to help any new victims of the virus, Dr. Butler has wisely pointed out the need for an effective serum before our healer and our life-sustainer contract the disease themselves. Speaking of Victor Creed, he has elected to stay on at the mansion for a while, at least until certain legal difficulties are cleared up with the Canadian and American governments. Wolverine has made some noise about calling in most if not all of his markers with Nicholas Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I am aware of the fact that Logan has something of a chequered past himself, and now that he has accepted the restoration of Victor Creed's original, true personality, he is willing to put his own questionable reputation on the line in order to help his old friend. From what I have been able to ascertain, the personality of Sabretooth was some sort of highly advanced implant. I don't know all the details, and Pixie has been up in her room all day and evening and unavailable for comment. I hope to discuss this matter with her tomorrow.* * * * Westchester County, New York Saturday, the 13th, 1:43 p.m. "I'm not too definitive on this, guys," Jubilee protested as she yanked the laces of the scuffed black ice skates tight. "The closest I ever got to ice back in Beverly Hills was the Super-Slushy machine down at the Circle K." "It's easy once you get the hang of it." Kitty and Illyana waited for her at the edge of the ice, wearing identical, brand-new pink skating outfits and gleaming white skates. "At least my old pair fits you." "Yeah, well, we'll see." Gingerly Jubilee stood up and hobbled over the snow-crusted lakeshore. itty reached out and helped her down onto the cleared ice. Jubilee slid her feet back and forth experimentally, getting the feel of blades over ice. "It feels a little weird, but it's not so bad." Kitty chuckled. "Careful, or you'll wear grooves in the ice. Let's get moving. " "*Da, Katya*." Hand in hand, the trio moved along the edge of the ice. It took a bit of doing, and several false stops, before Jubilee really got the hang of it, but in half an hour's time she was racing Kitty from one edge of the lakeshore to the other, with Illyana waiting at the start-finish line and keeping score. The sound of a well-honed axe biting into fresh wood sounded through the grove of trees where Bobby and Galatea walked hand in hand. "Sounds like Petey's giving that tree trunk what-for," Bobby remarked. Galatea giggled. She thought Bobby was very charming, funny, and sophisticated. She was glad he was willing to spend so much time with her even though she was nearly ten years his junior. "It's good that he's so happy. He must love his sister very much." "Tell me about it." Bobby, for his part, had grown very fond of Galatea Malloy. "If she'd actually up and died on us, there's no telling what we would have done. Of course, I'm glad Illyana's okay for her own sake," he hastened to add. "I like the kid, myself." "She's very sweet. I always used to wish I had a younger brother or sister, but I guess I never got the chance." "I know. I was an only child, too." He huffed a cloud of misty breath. "You warm enough?" She laughed. "You always ask that! Yes, Bobby, I'm warm enough. Cold doesn't bother me any more than heat does." "Well, I'm not used to a girlfriend who likes the cold as much as I do. So sue me." They entered the clearing where Peter was hard at work and stopped a moment to watch. Warren was there, too, busily piling and binding firewood to take back to the house. Peter was stripped down to his bare chest and swung the axe with a will, splitting each cord with a single stroke of the blade. "You know," Bobby said aside to Galatea, but loud enough for the other men to hear, "work is fascinating. I could watch it for hours." "You *could* help, you know," Warren said. "And spoil your fun, Wings? That wouldn't be fair." He glanced again at Galatea. "Oh, all right. If you're that helpless..." Seeing a perfect opportunity to show off for his lady, he moved forward and began stacking wood. He was too busy to notice the sudden, distant look which came over Galatea's features. She *felt* something--a disturbance in the magnetic potential of the area. It started as a not unpleasant tingle in the pores of her silver skin, and gradually ran through her nerves. Her hair stirred against the wind, raising up slightly, but it wasn't an uncomfortable sensation. She felt the source of the disturbance somewhere above the mansion, high up in the air, but gradually getting closer. It was a feeling she'd experienced before, she was sure of it, but the memory was a dim one. Bobby, Peter, Warren and the firewood forgotten, she began walking back towards the mansion, retracing her and Bobby's footsteps in the snow, her cobalt, pupilless eyes turned heavenward, mirroring the blue of the unclouded sky. With every step she took, another fragment of recollection surfaced, and soon they began to string themselves together like beads on a silver wire to form a complete and unbroken memory. *Sixteen and a half months. Sixteen and a half months since the fever. Sixteen and a half months since she'd awakened from a long sleep and seen herself in a mirror. Uncle Simon had done all he could, of course. He'd tutored her, taken care of her, provided for her. But he couldn't take her back to school. He couldn't take her to the hospital. He couldn't make her twelve years old again. He couldn't make her normal. The pills weren't working fast enough. She'd found them in her uncle's stash--oh, she knew he took drugs, most of them illegal. He'd kept her from them, of course, and hidden his tracks well, but Galatea was a clever girl. She found the pills and took every one of the little blue ones she could find. There hadn't been that many of them, though, and they weren't putting her to sleep. They were just making her feel worse about herself. She was a freak, what they called a "mutant"; she knew it profoundly, even though Uncle Simon had never used the word. He called her "special", and "gifted"--but Gale knew better. She was a mutant. A freak. She should never have been born...or at least she should have died with her mommy and daddy in that car wreck. The pills weren't working fast enough. So Gale went out of the house for the first time in sixteen and a half months. She would find a high place, the highest place she could, and jump off. It would probably hurt, but no pain could be worse than the hurt she had inside. She climbed up the sloping leeward side of the first mesa she found. She was pretty sure it was the big tall one just south of the house. Back when she could still go out in the sunshine, her uncle had warned her against climbing up on it alone. "That drop's high enough to break a horse's neck," he'd said. A horse's neck...or the neck of a very miserable thirteen and a half year old girl. She stood right on the edge, wobbling back and forth, and looked down. The ground seemed to be rippling a little, and crazily she wondered if it would be too soft to hurt her. She felt a tingling all over her, but she thought it was just a side effect of the drugs. It was only when she caught a bluish-purple glint in the desert sky out of the corner of her eye that she jerked her head up. The motion made her lose her balance. She teetered, stumbled, toppled, and fell off the edge. "CHILD--!" a man's voice, a stranger's, called out as she fell. Gale felt something wrap around her, something like an invisible, electric hand. It slowed her fall, but did not stop it. Her head cracked hard against a rock on the desert sand, sparks shot across her vision, and everything went black and silent.* * * * "Not bad, slush-for-brains," Warren deadpanned as he picked up a pair of bundles. "You actually managed to bind one whole stack all by your little lonesome." "Ha ha ha, Blue Boy. Gale, he's picking on me--Galatea?" Bobby looked around, but did not see her. "Hey, where'd she go?" Peter stood up straight and pointed. "Back towards the house, I think." "Oh, great. Hey, Gale--" Bobby dropped the bundle of wood and sprinted away. "Gale, wait up! What'd I do? I--" He skidded to a halt in the clearing. Galatea was standing on the lawn halfway between the mansion and the line of trees, looking up into the bottomless blue sky. He could see her face in profile. She was smiling. "Gale, what...?" He followed the line of her eyes up into the sky. He saw a globe of purplish-blue crackling light. Saw the cloaked, red-clad figure within. It was too far to make out any details, but it was a sight he'd seen up close far too often. "Oh Jesus Holy Mother Christ--Gale, come *on*!" Sure she would follow, he concentrated, iced up and set off as fast as a hastily- cobbled ice slide could carry him for the house. "Scott! Jean! *Professor*--!" Galatea didn't move. She didn't even hear the desperation in Bobby's voice. She didn't even look at him. She had eyes only for the man in the sky, coming closer every moment. She recognized him, too. She knew who he was, and she wasn't afraid. He was her angel. *Gale didn't expect to wake up, but she did. She was lying on the living room rug, staring upwards at Uncle Simon's collection of wind chimes and mobiles. Warm, fine-fingered hands were at her temples, soothing the terrible ache inside her skull. She whimpered a little, and a voice--the stranger's voice-- said, "Hush, little one. Be still. This is delicate work you have set for me." So gentle, that voice, yet so accustomed to command. Gale lay quiet. The same strange tingle that had first touched her in the desert was still there, intensified now to a steady inaudible humming that spread through her whole being. After a time she couldn't measure, it went still, and the hands left her face. She opened her eyes and saw a face she didn't know looking down at her. Ice-blue eyes, a face both young and incomprehensibly old, a thick wave of hair the color of moonlight on snow above a furrowed brow. Strangely, shy as she'd always been, Gale wasn't afraid. Perhaps it was the lingering effects of the pills. Perhaps it was the simple fact that she'd gone so long without seeing anyone besides her uncle, she was starved for new contact. Perhaps it was the gentle strength in the ice-blue eyes. "You will recover now," he told her. One of his fingers traced a line through her scalp, underneath her silver- white hair: a scar, newly closed, a mark she would carry to the end of her days. "You sought to end your life, I believe." Ashamed, Gale nodded. "Why?" "Because...because I'm not normal. I'm a mutant. A freak." There. The ugly words were said. "Is it so terrible to be a mutant?" "I don't know. I don't know anyone else who's a mutant." "I am a mutant, dear child." Gale gasped. This confident, commanding person, a freak like herself? It was a new concept. "You are?" He smiled. He had a wonderful smile. "Indeed I am. I cannot remain here long; I have urgent business which commands my attention." He looked around. "I understand that you are not alone here." "I live with my Uncle Simon. He takes good care of me." "Yet he left you here alone, without comfort or supervision." She could hear the anger in his voice, and was quick to defend her only family. "He had to get us food and supplies. He couldn't take me with him. What happened wasn't his fault; you mustn't blame him, please." "Hush." He picked her up off the floor, carried her to the battered sofa, and gently lay her down. "I wish that I could take you with me, little one, so that I could properly care for you; but I fear my life and obligations preclude such action. Perhaps...once I do what must be done...I may return and make proper arrangements to look after you." "My uncle takes care of me." "Very well, then; I must reluctantly entrust you to his care a while longer." He stood up to his full height, his purple cloak rustling about him. "You must first promise me to do yourself no more harm." "I promise." "I will trust you, little one--what is your name?" "Galatea." "I will trust you, Galatea, to keep your word to me." He turned away, paused to pick up a red metal helmet from the cable spool Uncle Simon had turned into an end table. He stopped at the doorway and looked back at her. He stood there for what seemed like a long time. Gale didn't know what to say, so she said nothing. Finally he spoke. "You are very pretty, Galatea." Her chin quivered. "No, I'm not. I'm ugly. I'm all made of metal." "You are* not *ugly." His brows lowered over his eyes. "And I will not allow you to say that you are." She shrank back. "No sir." "That's better." He straightened. "It is my fervent hope that I may see you again once you have grown. You are going to be an exquisitely beautiful young woman, and I pray I may live to see you thus." And he turned and was gone. When Uncle Simon returned, Galatea told him what she had done. He was understandably horrified, and forever after that kept his recreational pharmaceuticals hidden and under lock and key. She told him everything--about her depression, about the pills, about wandering outside, about jumping off the cliff. He touched the scar under her hair, and he believed. He believed everything. Everything except the part about the angel who'd saved her.* Over the last five years, Galatea had begun to believe that her angel had only been a dream, a hallucination, a figment of her drugged and desperate imagination. Her memory of what had happened had grown hazy, dreamlike; she might have doubted it had ever happened if not for the thin white scar under her hair which bore silent witness to the reality of it. What joy to see with her own eyes that her angel, too, was real! * * * The alarm sounded throughout the mansion. Even as he headed outside, Xavier reached out and touched the minds of all his students, old and new, with one word: **Magneto*.* * * * Wolverine froze in mid-sentence. His blue-grey eyes snapped open wide. "What's up, runt?" Creed asked, shifting the cigar in his mouth. "Can't meet a straight flush?" Wolverine and Gambit threw their cards down almost at the same time. "Flamin' hell," the Canadian grumbled as he jumped over the table and ran with the Cajun for the door. "Trouble?" Creed called after them. "Hell yes!" came the shout back. Creed grinned and tossed his winning hand away. "Deal me in," he said as he followed the others. * * * Beast bounded up from the lower levels and nearly collided with Bishop. "Your pardon, my friend," said the blue-furred physicist, not missing a jump. Bishop said nothing. He just hung on a little tighter to his gun as he followed Beast out in a more direct and far less agile path. * * * Rogue tried to swallow past the hard knot rising from her stomach into her throat which she suspected might be her heart. She followed Storm out of the African woman's attic window, leaving the warmth of the indoor greenhouse behind for the cold open air. She'd been dreading this confrontation for weeks, months perhaps; ever since they'd discovered that Magneto might still be alive. He had said to Xavier, just before Asteroid M exploded, that the next time he and the X-Men met would have to be the last. For one side at least, possibly for both. They'd thought him dead when the sattelite blew. And Rogue thought she was going to die too. She still wasn't sure quite how she felt about Magneto; she only knew for a fact that she owed him her sanity, her life. She had known the man behind the legend, if only for a brief time, and part of her was sure that if she could only talk to him, make him listen, he would understand Another part of her knew it was a foolish hope. She saw the grim set of Storm's lovely face, and she began to feel a coldness spreading through her. Storm didn't like violence--but she was very good at it. Magneto had threatened Xavier before his supposed death. None of the X-Men were going to let him make good on his threat...except over their dead bodies, anyway. Which was a distinct possibility. * * * Kitty phased out of her skates, into her snow-boots, and took off. "Stay with Illyana!" she called over her shoulder. "Keep her back here." "I can take her to the house," Jubilee protested. "No time! He's coming down between the lake and the mansion. Just stay there. Try to keep out of sight!" She fell into step with Peter as he and Archangel emerged from the woods; she saw Storm and Rogue come out over the mansion, and Scott and Jean emerging from an upper-floor window. Iceman was heading back for Galatea as Xavier came out the front door when all hell broke loose. The bubble of visible magnetic force flared like lightning. "Greetings, Charles," boomed the imposing figure within the crackling field. "You are looking surprisingly well." Xavier's face was devoid of emotion. "I knew you weren't dead," he said, his voice flat and toneless. "Precious little good that knowledge will do you now, since I have chosen to reveal myself to you." Xavier's face did not change. *Do not attack him,* he warned. **Especially* you, Logan. No one is to make any hostile action except on my word.* Wolverine, Gambit and Sabretooth were gathered just beyond the porch. Jean landed with Scott; Bobby was forced to fall back, and Hank and Warren took up positions on either side of the hoverchair. Surrounded by his five original students, Xavier faced down what could well be his death and the destruction of everything he had worked for. "I see that you are surrounded by those you hold most dear," Magneto said. "That is well. I am glad you are all here. I have a most generous offer to extend, one it is my fondest hope you will accept." "How about your head on a plate?" Wolverine growled, popping his claws and dropping to a preparatory crouch. "Wolverine!" Scott shouted, but Magneto had already turned in that direction. "Poor Logan, foolish Logan," he said. "The more things change, it would seem, the more they remain the same. Your claws are your greatest weapon, your most deadly defense. However, you should know well by now they are useless against me." He waved his hand, a dismissive gesture. Wolverine's claws shot back into their sheaths. He looked down agape at the backs of his hands. Try as he might, he could not force the claws back out again. "I could just as easily have torn your precious adamantium from your very bones," Magneto warned. "Do not try my patience further, little man." "Did you come here to threaten, or to talk, Magnus?" Xavier demanded, moving forward. "I came to issue an proposal. One you would do well to accept." Magneto raised his arms skyward. "I have constructed a safe haven for all our kind, for all *Homo superior*, where we may dwell in peace together, away from the turmoils of the human world. You are one and all invited to join me and my followers there, where none may raise a hand against another; where your dream of peace, Charles, may finally become--" He looked around. And stopped. And froze. All eyes followed Magneto's gaze, over the snow-covered ground, to the lone silver figure clad in pale blue who stood watching. Her head was cocked to one side, her sterling hair ringing softly in the gentle breeze. Magneto slowly turned to face her, hovering in the air. "Galatea," he whispered. "Yes?" she responded. Behind the key-shaped opening in his helm, Magneto's face went blank with wonder. "After all this time...I meant to return to you, child, but circumstances always prevented it..." "I'm not a child any more," Galatea said. "Be careful, Gale!" Bobby called out in warning. "No," Magneto said, "you are not." He held out his hand to her. "Magneto, leave her alone," Xavier ordered. "She's here by her own choice. You have no right--" "I have every right." Galatea rose off the ground--whether by her own power, or Magneto's, no one could tell, and flew through the air towards Magneto. Bobby tried to run forward. Storm and Rogue tried to take to the air. Cyclops and Jean Grey tried to move to stop them. Everyone tried, simply, to move. No one could. "He's holding us here," Beast announced. "Holding us by the very iron in our systems. Blast!" "Will the rest of you join me?" Magneto asked, mild, unruffled, Galatea protectively held in the curve of one arm. "You know we will not," Xavier answered. "Yoiu represent everything we stand against, Magneto, by your own choice. You have allowed your hatred of humanity to warp you into the mold of the same butchers who destroyed your life, your family's lives, all those years ago. You talk of peace, and gird for war." "And so it must be for all our kind who wish to survive, Xavier. I will therefore grant you the mercy of a quick death--when next we meet." And he rose with Galatea into the sky. "NO!" Iceman screamed. "GALATEA, DON'T LET HIM! GALATEA!!" But she was already out of hearing. They were almost out of sight when the terrible tension in all their muscles finally let go. Most stumbled, but kept their feet. Bishop was glowing with residual magnetic energy--he absorbed the power without conscious thought. He fired off a bolt at the retreating sphere, but it fell far short of its mark. "GALAAAAAAATEAAAAAAA!!!!!" Iceman shot up on a widening spiral of ice, trying desperately, futilely, to catch up with the almost-invisible pair. "Bobby, you crazy jerk--Jean, we've got to stop him!" Archangel unfurled his razor-steel wings and took off, Jean Grey right behind him. "Be careful!" Scott called after them. Pixie and Mirror emerged from the house, looking up into the sky. "We saw everything," Pixie gasped. "From a window. But we couldn't move--" "Magneto has remarkable control over magnetic and gravitic forces," Xavier intoned. "He can hold you by the iron present in your blood. There wouldn't have been anything you could have done in any case." He bowed his head and put a hand to his face. "There was nothing *we* could do." Several hundred feet in the air, Jean and Archangel had caught up to Bobby, who was still going even higher in spite of the fact that his spiral ice-slide was beginning to sway dangerously. "Bobby, give it up!" Archangel said, swooping around him. "The bastard's gone. What are you going to do, ice up into space?" "Bobby, please," Jean said, more gently, "come back down with us before you hurt yourself." "I can't let him take her!" Bobby's voice was high and thin and desperate. "I've got to stop him from--" >CRACK< The whole slide shuddered, jerked, and threw off its maker. Jean reached out with her mind's power and snagged him neatly in midair. The same could not be said for the multi-ton slide which toppled slowly over, disintegrating into chunks ranging from a few pounds to a ton or more as it fell. "*Incoming*!!" Bishop yelled, dropping to one knee and readying his blaster rifle. Everyone else reacted just as quickly. Cyclops blasted a chunk of ice to powdery chips as it fell towards him and Xavier. Rogue pounded on a couple of pieces larger than she was until they fell apart. Storm conjured a wind to disperse the smaller but still dangerous chunks. Wolverine made a prodigous leap, caught Mirror in midair, and knocked her aside in time to avoid a mass the size of a small Volvo. Bishop blasted the rest in the vicinity to powder, and Gambit and Beast simply vaulted and/or jumped out of the way. Jubilee and Illyana had watched from the lakeshore until Magneto had gone. They were halfway back to the mansion, carrying their skates, when the ice-slide collapsed. Before she knew what was happening, a lump of ice as big as a truck was hurtling towards them. Jubilee dropped her skates, set her feet wide apart, and cut loose with the biggest "paf" she could manage. The ice chunk disintegrated. Jubilee stood gasping, drained but exhiliarated. "I did it," she said, half not believing it herself. "I really aced it." "" Illyana cheered. "You're welcome, kid. Let's head before--" A shadow above them blocked out the sun. Jubilee looked up. "Oh," she said, "no." *This* chunk of ice was easily as big as a small trailer. There was no time to run, and Jubilee hadn't the energy left to blow it up. She dove for Illyana and covered the child's body with her own. "Don't look!" she shouted, and closed her own eyes. She did not, therefore, see Creed bounding across the lawn on all fours towards them. Nor did she see him take an impossibly long leap to cover the last few dozen yards' distance. She heard his knees hit the ground somewhere around her ankles, and his elbows up above her shoulders. She looked up in time to see his craggy, handsome face inches above hers-- Then everything above them went, first white, then shadowy grey. Creed grunted, biting back a scream. Jubilee heard the multiple cracks his spine and ribcage made as they broke under the strain. She cried out, not because she was hurt, but because of the pain she knew he must feel. Beneath her, Illyana screamed. "*PIOTR*!!" Then everything went quiet. The only sound beneath the shattered mound of ice was Creed's labored breathing and Illyana's soft sobs. Pinned between them, Jubilee couldn't move. Then the mound shuddered, and she thought: (It's going to collapse. It's going to crush us. We're all going to die.) She was surprised at how calm she was. Daylight burst in on them, and metallic hands reached in and pulled Creed out. (Galatea?) she thought, but no, these hands were larger, banded, with a sheen more like steel. "Be c-careful with him!" Jubilee called out. "He's hurt bad." "Ain't no thing, China Girl," Creed called back through gritted teeth. "Nothin's busted I ain't got more'n two of." Colossus lifted Jubilee out next, into Wolverine's waiting arms. Finally he brought his sister into the light. "" he asked, his voice barely even. "" Shivering, not caring how stupid or childish she looked, Jubilee burrowed against Wolverine's chest as his arms wrapped around her. "You okay, Jubie?" he rumbled. "Y-yeah. I'm cool--" She broke off into near-hysterical giggles at the unintentional pun. "Oh, God, Wolvie," she wailed. "I heard his ribs breaking..." "Miry!" Wolverine called over his shoulder. "Vic needs yer help, darlin'." "I'm coming." Mirror dashed up, skidded to a hasty stop, and knelt beside Creed. "Let me help you." "Aw, I'll be okay. Just--gotta shove m' ribcage back inta place and get my vertebrae back in line." He grunted as he pushed at his sides, coughed up a bubble of blood. "Oh, *Jesus*," Jubilee moaned, trying not to look and failing. "There's an easier way if you'll let me," Mirror suggested gently. Creed looked at Jubilee, who gave him a pleading stare. "Yeah, well, all right. Just so's the China Girl don't get too upset, mind you." Mirror smiled and put her hands to Creed's back. He gasped as the pain simply *vanished*. He could feel his bones knitting back together of their own accord, coaxed gently into position by Mirror's healing power. "Not bad, sweets." He didn't see the strain in Mirror's features as she dealt with the pain she kept him from feeling. "No...problem," she grunted. "That's...why I'm...here." Peter Rasputin carefully handed his tiny sister over into Kitty's arms as Jean and Scott walked a near-exhausted Bobby between them. Xavier led them, surveying the damage done to the grounds by the ice- fall. "Is everyone else all right?" he asked. Before anyone could reply, a tall form suddenly gone to banded organic steel stomped past the Professor, tore Iceman from Jean's arms, and hoisted him up in the air. Colossus had one hand around Drake's throat, holding him up off the ground, and his other hand curled into a fist and drew back. "You nearly killed my sister, Drake," Colossus growled, his face a mask of rage cast in solid steel, "and you will not get another chance!" "Peter, no!" Xavier shouted. He was ignored. "Peter!" Jean reached out with her telekinesis and caught the fist that was about to literally smash Bobby Drake's face in. She managed to hold him back, but she could not pull Bobby free of Colossus' grasp. Bobby struggled to draw breath, and couldn't. His hands beat futilely at Colossus' forearm; the grip around his throat was a hair's breadth away from crushing his windpipe. Bobby's lips began to turn a dusky blue. **Peter*!* Xavier's mental shout did not affect Colossus, and he prepared himself to actually wrest control of the young man's mind away, to *force* him to release Bobby Drake. Illyana jumped down from Kitty's slackened grasp and ran to her brother. "" she cried, wrapping her tiny arms around her brother's leg. "" The lines of fury eased from Colossus' features. Blankly, moving slowly as if in a dream, he looked down at his sister. "*Pazhalista*, Piotr," she pleaded with him again. He still looked down at her. Only his fingers moved, opening to allow Drake to fall hard to the snow. Warren moved forward and picked him up. Bobby's neck was dappled with angry red and purple marks, and his breathing was ragged and shallow. Xavier's brow furrowed. He looked at Colossus. "Peter--" Without a word, Colossus scooped his sister up into his arms, turned, and walked away from them all, towards the road. "Peter!" Storm called after him. "Piotr," Illyana pleaded faintly. She looked back over Colossus' shoulder and held out her arms, crying, "Jubilee! *Katya*!" Jubilee pulled away from Wolverine and saw what was happening. "Hey, come back!" she shouted, pelting after them. "Jubie, wait!" Wolverine called. She ignored him. She caught up with Colossus at the gate. "Where do you think you're going, you--you overgrown hood ornament?" She planted herself between him and the gate. "You can't just walk out of here--" Colossus said not a word. He simply picked Jubilee up by the collar of her neon-yellow trenchcoat and flung her backwards over his head without even looking. "*Nyet*, Piotr!" Illyana protested. Jubilee flew through the air like a Frisbee. "*HEY*!!" Colossus opened the gate and walked out, never looking back. Jubilee would have hit so hard she would have bounced if she hadn't simply stopped about three feet from the ground. Jean lowered her gently to the snow, coincidentally about two feet away from Victor, who was finally healed of his wounds. "Happy landings, China Girl," he said, winking. Wolverine wasn't so amused. He popped his claws and started after Colossus. "I always wanted to see if I could poke through that steel hide o' his," he growled, eyes going to red. "We're about ta find out." "Logan, that's not going to help," Jean protested, ready to stop him with her TK. Then Mirror screamed. *That* stopped him. Wolverine turned around. "Wha?" All eyes turned where Mirror was pointing. Gambit stood grim-faced, silent, his head lowered and his eyes burning like coals. Pixie hung limp and battered in his arms and didn't move. "*C'est mort*," he intoned. "Vanessa...she is dead." Mirror was at his side in an instant. Her long fingers brushed Pixie's temple, and then the healer looked wryly up at the Cajun. "Good thing you're not a doctor," she said. She took a deep breath, spread her hands over Pixie's unmoving chest, and began to glow silver. "Is anyone else hurt?" Xavier asked. He took a quick mental "head count"; everyone was responding. He silently cursed himself for not having noticed sooner that Pixie was missing. Everything had happened so fast. (Damn you, Magneto,) he thought. (As we may both already be damned.) His students, his followers, his X-Men, the generation beyond his which he had come to consider his children, stood around him in uncomfortable silence. If anything, the mood was more somber now than it had been shortly before Illyana's death, before the three newest pupils had joined them. A few brief weeks of peace...shattered in an instant by the reappearance of their oldest enemy. No doubt Magneto would be pleased. * * *